Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hey y'all so I've got Internet up and running for the time being so I'm trying to do a million things and one of them is finally setting up this blog.... I've got some things that I've jotted here and there on this ol ipad while we have been on this experience so I figure what better place to start then there... Check back here and there for updates also I'll post things on fbook enjoy or read or scan whatever floats ur boat...

We're on the plane honestly I don't know what I feel.  In one second I'm beyond excited to go on this journey and know how close it is, yet in the next second I'm flipping out terrified and worried that this is all going to go horribly wrong. I know that the faith everyone has in us is there and not in vain but at the same time I'm scared to screw this up.  This opportunity is amazing and wonderful and so I hope I can exceed expectations but I guess only time will tell. It is hitting me but I don't know how I'm about to react so that is something that I'm unsure how to react to, here we go is all I have.  ... Totally jinxed myself claiming that I can sleep anywhere cuz I can't sleep worth poop on this plane ride... I think we're getting close but honestly there's still probably at least two more hours so that's no fun whatsoever.  I've tried sleeping but to no avail the only times I think I've dozed off is when I was trying not to sleep... Wackness.... Oh well I still may be in a little bit of shock 


We're here... It's been a long day we got to the airport and finally out of customs by around 945 am and then it was about an hour bus ride to the place where we are staying.  I immediately took a very needed nap before a feast of a lunch.  so that's nice and here's hoping for that I really miss my devin but I know in my heart it's a good miss so that's a plus. Today after lunch we went to a park and goofed around a bit played lacrosse/beach hili thingy that was fun then came back and did some orientation stuff not too much stuff today but with my level of sleepiness I could barely make it through.   Now as I'm lying in bed hoping my Skype message has sent I don't even think I can process anything other than being tired. On that note its time for sleep


I've arrived in posadas the view is good however I'm still stressed over the logistics cuz I dunno if I have a house yet or if I'm staying in a hotel or what but pastor Ricardo and Norma are very nice so I'm sure they won't hang me out to dry and if so.... I did bring my hammock for a reason haha just kidding I'm sitting here just wanting to connect to Internet and get some stuff done before sleeping and relaxing for approximately 48 hrs haha until later....

Well it wasn't quite 48 hours but I absolutely caught up on some sleep for sure...I've found temporary living at what I can only best describe as a hostel but its specifically for police officers and their families so at least it's safe haha... Everyone is nice from what contact I've had, which included a breakfast or two and watching some futbol where they've tried to convince me the team I've chosen to like is absolutely the wrong one, but I'm staying ....viva river.... Housing here is temporary and I can be for 30 days if needed which I've been told is ample time to lock up a permanent place to live. Of be lying if I said I wasn't incredibly excited to unpack my bags and stop living out of a suitcase but it hasn't been bad by any means.  The people I've met from the congregation I'll be working with have been beyond nice and welcoming I've been invited to share a meal with members at least once a day and have def been eating well for sure.  As of right now I finally have been able to get the Internet working here so I've started this blog thang.  Tomorrow starts my year of work and all my different things I'll be doing first things first visiting the Santiago mission apostal which is about 10 km outside of the city I'll be there to help build relationships, confidence, and anything else I can with the kids of that area .  I'll also be working with the youth of the congregation a few days a week and preparing them and generating interest for camps we have going on this year so hopefully that'll work out although I think I woulda done well to work at OAP a summer or two but we'll get by... That's really all I got for right now so these three tidbits can be my first post I'm satisfied thanks for checking in and we'll keep ya updated with what's going on and what's coming next 

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